14 March, 2010

Mosquito Hill

On Sunday Marina's friend and boss invited us out to pick grapes at her husband's family vineyard about an hour South of Adelaide. They make several wines under the name of Mosquito Hill. It was such a cool experience! Here's a heap of pix (Aussie terminology!!)

They had around 200 acres of land with two vineyards. We were having so much fun doing manual labor we wanted a career change! There were a few hired pickers that came over from the UK who reassured us it's definitely not as nice usually.

There were also huge bugs all over the place!

Not only did we get to visit this vineyard and pick grapes, but they also let us (wanted us to, really) stomp the grapes as well. So awesome!

This was Marina's first time in a hammock. The picture was taken right before we both got in it and it broke and fell on her head. We were told it was a two-person hammock. It was not.

After a great lunch and trying some of the same wine from the grapes we were picking, we cruised up to Victor Harbour.

Mini crabs!

Ok back to work tomorrow. See ya!

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